A short trip into the mountains

Maybe the most exciting shop in San Cristobal?

The most exciting thing about San Cristobal de las Casas was probably the weather. We arrived from hot and humid Palenque (on a long and windy mountain pass which I’d rather forget about) where it had been over 30C and just walking to lunch made you sweat like a fat plumber. Now we suddenly found ourselves at over 2000m altitude and the temperature dropped by at least 15C. We actually had to take out our jackets and put on shoes! With socks! This was a treat really, a relaxation for our bodies if you will. Although on the third morning, when it was almost too cold to get out of bed and our fingers were getting cold typing on the keyboard, that whole cold weather love turned a bit sour and we started to look forward to our next destination.

What else happend in San Cristobal though you ask? To be honest, not much. Besides our little excursion to Chamula we didn’t do a whole lot. Mainly because there isn’t all that much to do… We walked up the hills that flank the city to admire the view and see the churches, we visited the amber museum, walked around Na Bolom (the house and now museum of the Danish archeologist Frans Blom) and did a lot of strolling around town in general. One night we went to see a documentary about the Zapatistas in a movie theater the size of a living room but the movie wasn’t very well done. Lunch at the Zapatista-run cafĂ© was much better. (Food is always a good way to get people on your side. Much easier than guns too…)

All in all, San Cristobal de las Casas is a very nice place but just a little too quaint and non-happening. We got pretty pictures though!

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