Skip to Tokyo

Dear reader,

I’m cutting in here for the sake of brevity and getting stuff done. Apparently the authorities can’t be trusted with the timely upkeep of this blog so it’s once again left to me… *sigh*
And since it’s up to me now, we’re skipping right over Nikko and head straight to Tokyo. (Don’t get me wrong, Nikko was fun and all but entirely too many tourists and too much temple walking. If you really want to see some pictures from there, check out our Instagram.)

So let’s get to the good stuff instead. The monster cafés, the toy museums, the Hello Kitty everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE.

We didn’t do much sightseeing this time around since we saw a lot two years ago. Instead we focused mostly on food and fun. A good time was had by all.

Morning routine:

Kawaii Monster café:

Robot sushi:


Pancake breakfast:


Tokyo Toy Museum:


And much too quickly we headed out and into the Japanese Alps. Bye-bye Tokyo, I miss you already…

They have a catalog magazine on the train that the authorities like to look at and laugh. I admit, there’s some pretty weird stuff in there…

Now there’s just one more week to catch up and we’re all on the same page again. Of course, by the time that catch up has happened we’ll be in Australia but it’s always worth a try. Good luck Catering!

Sayonara everyone,

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