About Us

Hello, I hope you’re enjoying our blog! We’re traveling around the world and every once in a while we write about that here. (Mouse over the pictures in our posts for extra captions.)

Some statistics about our trip:

On the road since: 24 February 2009

Countries visited so far (in no particular order): Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, UK, Ireland, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Japan, Antigua, British Virgin Islands, St. Maarten, Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Fiji.

Currently in: Austria, semi-permanently since January 2018

Next stop: Italy

Please leave us a comment on places to go or if it’s a private tip, email us at us@pawsontheroad.com

You can also follow us on Instagram @pawsontheroad!

7 Responses to “About Us”

  1. Maria Teresa says:

    Al fin supe de Uds. Estaba ya preocupada pero esta mañana Ina vió en el facebook que Nora había contestado que estaban bien, unas horas antes. Así que ahora tienen además una experiencia bastante única en su haber!

  2. Verónica says:

    Queridos Fa y Nora,
    Hoy los recordé porque Carmen Diana me mandó una linda foto de Fa bañándose con Kaku y Tommy.
    Me metí al blog y los veo allí, la misma foto que recibimos de Navidad y no les había contestado! se ven muy bien y divertidos con esos gorros en medio del verano.
    Cuándo termina el viaje? ha sido muy, muy largo, no?
    Las fotos están espectaculares y los comentarios me encantan.

  3. Nora says:

    Todavía no sabemos cuando terminare el viaje – hay tantas cosas interesantes en el mundo que queremos ver! 🙂

  4. Matto says:

    Hey you guys! Come Estan? I was talking about you two yesterday with gules, and we were observed the fact that everywhere you guys go, a natural disaster either occurs or your trip is preceded by one!! I’m not saying that you guys bring bad luck, pero Coño!! Se pone peluda la vaina!! Hehe!! Just promise me you won’t come back to Rome!!  No vale, it would be great to see you both! By the way I loved the pictures of the Arachnocampa Luminosa!! (Glow worms, for those of you who aren’t biology freaks) The are truly amazing!!! How cool that you guys get to travel all over the world!! Do you by any chance need an assistant? Haha! Bueno I guess I’ll go back to the exiting world of office work!
    Drop me a line whenever,
    Un abrazo grande.

  5. Conor says:

    We are scientist and we travel to investigate natural phenomenon. So be it glow worms or plate tectonic movements we are on the ground (or in the cave) taking pictures. A famous man once said:

    “The action is not because we are there, we are there because of the action”

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