Just a Quickie

Dear reader,

There’s so much to tell and always so little time. This town is just happening 24/7! (Well, I’m asleep for most of the night so I don’t actually know that it’s really 24/7 but 12/7 doesn’t sound nearly as impressive, does it?!) Anyway, here are some snapshots from my recent shenanigans:

We went to the top of the Tower Bridge and saw the engine room where they used to pull the bridge up and down.

Also went to a bunch of museums, all very interesting.

I try to further BabyPaw’s education but he seems to ignore even the most rudimentary readings. Not sure how I’ll break it to the Authorities that this one’s a dud…

There’s something fascinating at every corner:

You should come join me here in this marvelous town. I’ll buy you a sausage roll and juice at the pub.


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